Our Story


We first gathered as immigrants in Toronto, Canada, with a word from the Lord Jesus Christ. Our journey began at the house of pastor Guirguis Halim on October 13, 1995 after a visit from pastor Daniel to us. It was a small meeting attended by some people from the Arab community to participate in prayer, praise and hearing the word of God. The Lord was in our midst and helped us to invite many others to our meetings, our numbers multiplied and our church grew, with continuation of annual visits from Father Daniel, as the service in Toronto is considered part and extension of the Rivers of Life service in Egypt. With time, pastor Guirguis’ home became too small to house all who joined the meetings, and we moved to Evangel Temple Church on February 28, 1997.


Our boundaries expanded constantly and we moved to “Scarborough Vineyard” Church in April 1998 and then to “Victory” Church on June 24, 2001.
Our meetings at that point were held on Friday evenings, until January 4, 1999, when we started to hold meetings on Sundays. We found that the Holy Spirit has brought us to gather together from seven Arab countries, as a result we overcame our differences in customs, backgrounds and nationalities, and we see Him work continuously to erase any social and national differences between us.


Our boundaries expanded constantly and we moved to “Scarborough Vineyard” Church in April 1998 and then to “Victory” Church on June 24, 2001.
Our meetings at that point were held on Friday evenings, until January 4, 1999, when we started to hold meetings on Sundays. We found that the Holy Spirit has brought us to gather together from seven Arab countries, as a result we overcame our differences in customs, backgrounds and nationalities, and we see Him work continuously to erase any social and national differences between us.


We left the Hungarian church after our last meeting on May 1, 2022 and started a new chapter of the church's journey in the new building on 9111 Keele Street on May 8, 2022
At the end of August 2019, Pastor Guirguis, founder of the church, embarked on a new mission focused on helping the needy in different parts of the world. The church remained since that time and during the COVID pandemic without a fixed pastor, but with the help of servants whom the Lord used in our midst until the arrival of Pastor Mikha and his family in June 2021

“And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely”. Revelation 22:17

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn”.
Isaiah 54:17

 مِنْ قِبَلِ إِلَهِنَا عُمِلَ هَذَا ٱلْعَمَلُ
نَحَمْيَا 6:16

this work was wrought of our God
Nehemiah 6:16

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am for English service (2nd and 4th weeks) and 11:30 am every Sunday